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How to Prepare Your Home for a Cat? Accessories, Plants, Security…

Jak przygotować dom na przyjęcie Kota?

At the beginning of your adventure together, your cat will only need a few basic things. accessories and time for adaptation. Be as patient and understanding as possible during this period, give the Pet the freedom to explore the house at its own pace and provide support in any difficult situation for the Cat. Most of the accessories described below are universal elements of the cat layette, which will work for both a young Kitten and an adult Cat.

Bowls and plates for Kittens and Big Cats

Your Cat will need two or three shallow bowls or plates. These are the dishes in which you will serve your Pet's meals and water. Make sure the bowls or plates/saucers are the right size and shape - the dishes should comfortably hold a portion of food and be shaped in such a way that their edges do not irritate the whiskers of the eating Cat.

The material they are made of is also important – it should be safe (not react with food!) and easy to keep clean. Bowls and glass plates ! Bowls made of poor quality material (e.g. metal and plastic bowls) can be a direct cause of cat acne or cause acne lesions to worsen. The disease manifests itself with small, black, spherical pimples, which, if left untreated, will transform into festering inflammatory lesions. Cat acne requires specialist treatment, but also... changing the bowls to ceramic or glass ones.

Remember that the cat's dining area should be in a quiet and safe place, away from the litter box and traffic routes. Nothing stops your Roommate from choosing where to eat! At first, you can place a few bowls in different parts of the house or apartment and see which ones the Cat uses first.

At Animal Island we do our best to make sure everyone glass plate and each glass bowl were designed with the highest quality standards in mind. All our glass accessories are food contact certified, and the decorations are painted with organic paints. We are convinced that only such products will meet the strict standards of the cat inspector! Check glass accessories for Cat Animal Island !

What about the bowl? Cat food for starters and for life

What you put in your cat's bowl is even more important! High-quality, properly balanced and complete food for cats is the key to his health, good condition and excellent well-being.

When choosing food for your carnivorous Companion, choose a product rich in meat and offal (the composition of the food should contain at least 70%), which will provide the Pet with taurine, polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamin A, which are essential for its health - in the right amounts and proportions. Avoid food that contains unnecessary fillers, artificial colors and flavors, and preservatives.

The best way to feed a cat of any age is wet food. Use dry food as an emergency or occasionally. You can choose the food for your cat according to its age and any special nutritional needs, always in accordance with the recommendations of your veterinarian. Psst… remember about the taste! After all, you also like to eat not only healthy, but also tasty, right?

At Animal Island we have something for you in this category too! top quality wet food that cats simply love ! This includes, among other things chicken and duck meals , chicken and salmon food and turkey and quail dishes , filled to the brim with human grade meat that could be found... on your plate! It's 100% natural ingredients, 99% meat, the right amount of essential taurine and zero unnecessary fillers!

Cat Bed, or a Safe Place to Sleep

A place for a cat to sleep should guarantee peace and quiet, be suitably soft and cosy and provide the animal with effective thermal insulation. Cat loungers can have different shapes (open, semi-open, closed) and sizes. Depending on the model and your idea for a place for the cat to sleep and the size and references of the interested person - the lounger can be placed directly on the floor, on a safe piece of furniture or a special, raised structure (stilt loungers must be as stable and safe as possible!).

Cats love cardboard boxes! To provide the new tenant with maximum comfort and safety - you can initially place several boxes in different parts of the apartment. This is also a great way to select the optimal sleeping spot - observe the animal and see which box it uses most often.

Litter box, or cat toilet

Tidying up the litter box (literally and figuratively!) is one of the basic responsibilities of a cat owner. Choose a litter box that your pet will accept - ideally suited to the size of the cat (it should be at least 1.5 times longer than the length of the pet's body) and as simple as possible (this is important, especially at the beginning!). He filled the litter box with high-quality, fine gravel! Give yourself a gift in the form of convenient tools and accessories for tidying up your cat ToyToy.

Carrier, harness and leash

In the first months of your Cat's life, you will have to make at least a few visits to the vet, related to vaccinations and health checks. Make sure you have a safe and maximally comfortable way to get to the doctor! Get a comfortable (for the Cat and for you!) carrier and a harness and leash that will allow you to effectively supervise the Cat in any situation outside the home. Never put a collar on the Cat, which poses a threat to the health and life of the Pet (a climbing Cat can get caught, hang on the collar and consequently strangle!).

Scratchers and toys – provide entertainment for your cat!

If your cat could talk, it would probably warn you with these words: “Want to avoid a scratch? Invest in a scratching post!” Scratching is primarily a way for cats to care for their claws, but it is also a way for cats to mark their territory, show their strength, and exercise. Regardless of the purpose of scratching, it would be better to do it on a scratching post, not on a designer armchair, fancy lamp, or an old chest of drawers inherited from your grandmother. This way, you will avoid many unnecessary misunderstandings!

Cats love to lounge in heights! On special cat shelves hung on walls and suspended from the ceiling, no one disturbs the cats, and they can freely observe the surroundings. Another interesting idea is cat paths, which allow the cat to walk... on its own paths.

The cat layette should also include 2-3 toys that will help you establish a cat-human relationship. Fishing rods will work great at first, allowing you to play while maintaining a safe distance. You can find more information about cat toys and ways to have satisfying fun with your cat in our Top 5 cat toys . Remember that the most important thing for your Cat will be... Your time and attention! You can make a fishing rod yourself, even from a stick and ribbon.

Safe home for your cat – secure your windows and balcony, remove some decorations and plants

A Happy Cat is a Safe Cat! Create a space full of opportunities for fun without danger!
A cat is a curious creature that will not be deterred by any request to stop potentially dangerous activities. When deciding to live under one roof with a domesticated feline, you must be prepared to fully share the space, and therefore adapt it to the needs of your little one. Your duties, as part of preparing a home for a cat, include securing windows and balconies, giving up some models of blinds or string curtains, and removing plants from the house that are poisonous to the cat.

Window and balcony door protection

All windows (including roof windows!) and balcony and terrace doors require additional, solid protection! To effectively protect windows and doors from cats, mosquito nets made of carbon fiber mesh (resistant to sharp cat claws and attempts to climb on them) are used, set in reinforced, aluminum frames (also resistant to weather conditions!). Window mosquito nets should be mounted directly to the window frame using special, screwed-in brackets. Balcony/door mosquito nets are best mounted on hinges or in special, sliding structures. Remember to equip both with additional, strong locks.

Stop opening windows, blinds, string curtains…

Do you think that an open window is a small gap that your cat won't be able to force through? You may be right, but... Your cat doesn't necessarily have to know that! One of his favorite activities will be observing what's happening outside the window. If he thinks that something requires cat intervention or there's an opportunity to hunt down a sparrow brazenly jumping on the windowsill of HIS window - he will most likely try to get out through that very gap. In the best case, he will escape, falling on his proverbial "four paws". In the worst case - he will get stuck, break or suffocate.

What should you remember when preparing your home for a cat?

  • Stop leaving your windows and balcony doors ajar – install sturdy mosquito nets and open the windows wide.
  • Avoid installing blinds, especially aluminum and wooden ones – the cat may try to climb on both of them, which may result in serious bodily injury or death of the pet.
  • Avoid string curtains – strings may seem like a tempting toy to your cat, and when tangled, they can pose a serious threat to your cat playing with them.
  • Remove valuable trinkets and all potentially dangerous objects and decorations from furniture (e.g. glass bowls and vases, heavy figures and statues).

Balcony or aviary for a cat

At Animal Island, we are passionate advocates of indoor cats! We are convinced that this is the safest form of care for these curious and ubiquitous quadrupeds. Of course, there is nothing to stop your cat from being able to breathe deeply and get fresh air! If your apartment has a balcony, simply secure it in its entirety with a solid net set in a durable frame (in a similar way and on similar principles as you secure windows!). If you live in a house and have a terrace or garden at your disposal, you can build or buy an aviary, i.e. a spacious run for your cat. Originally, aviaries were intended for birds.

Poisonous plants - dangerous for cats

Free-living cats eat fresh grass, which helps them to remove hairballs from their digestive tract. Houseplants can be a tempting substitute for a green treat for your pet, while also posing a threat to their health or life! Nibbling on some houseplants can lead to chronic or acute digestive problems and disorders of the excretory, nervous and circulatory systems.

List of plants that are dangerous/poisonous to Cats:

  • amaryllis,
  • aloe,
  • azalea,
  • calla,
  • hedera (common ivy),
  • (cyclamen,
  • ficus,
  • oleander,
  • lily of the valley,
  • dieffenbachia,
  • Spathiphyllum,
  • Sansevieria,
  • poinsettia (also known as poinsettia).
How to Prepare Your Home for a Cat - infographic

Selected bulbous plants are also poisonous to cats, including daffodils, hyacinths, lilies and irises. In addition, all thorny and prickly plants (e.g. cacti) should also be considered dangerous - even if they are not toxic, their gnawing by the animal can lead to physical injuries to the muzzle, mouth and digestive tract.

As part of preparing your home for a cat Tenant, be sure to remove all dangerous plants (simply give them to friends without cats). You can also sow a special cat grass variety for Mruczek, and place pots of herbs and edible plants on the windowsill. We also don't know of a cat that would be offended by its owner for a pot of catnip! Just remember that it should be given to the cat in moderation, because although it is safe, it has a very strong effect on the senses and nervous system of the animal, putting it in a state of total excitement!

Plants Safe for Cats

Do you love greenery and don't want to completely give up on potted plants at home? Choose species that are safe for your pet! These include the tricolor and African violet, royal begonia, crassula and spiderwort, bromeliad, passionflower, fitonia, gardenia, petunia, as well as the elegant orchid and popular yucca.

Secure cables, cabinets and induction hob

Cats love to play with anything that is long and easy to move. Their targets may therefore be unsecured cables - if your cat chews on them, it poses a direct threat to the life and health of the animal (electric shock)! Also, make sure that your cat does not have access to the induction cooker panel - its skilled paws can turn it on and then burn the delicate pads (always carefully monitor the kitchen area and your cat when cooking!).

Cats are little tricksters whose skills can amaze us! Opening a cupboard or drawer? Dealing with a box filled with laundry or dishwasher capsules? All of this is within your cat's reach! If you want to 100% secure the contents of your kitchen and bathroom cupboards (especially those where you store detergents!) - reach for furniture protections used by parents of small children.

Cat at home? A little preparation and... only advantages!

Take care of safe conditions and gain a Friend for many years of life together!

Although preparing your home to safely welcome a feline resident requires a considerable amount of effort and resources (the most expensive investment will be in window mosquito nets and securing the balcony/terrace or aviary) - it is definitely an investment that pays off! A pet will live in your home, which will give you unconditional love, and its warm fur and soothing purr will bring harmony and simplicity to your life.

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